Monday, April 23, 2012

Chocolate, Caramel, and Raspberry...

This is the 'partner' cake for the pineapple cake for work tomorrow. I personally am not a fan of of non chocolate so it was a 'poor' excuse to make a second cake... but is works :) So I made this new chocolate cake recipe that is RICH, man o man it is yummy. I took the two layers and filled them with caramel. Then after wrapping it in a coat of butter cream, I topped the cake with raspberry ganache, then drizzled more caramel on top and decorated it with butter cream and chocolate ganache detail on the side.

Turns out that ganache can be tricky to pip on the side of cake, especially if you made it a little thin for spreading on top and now you want it on the side. I 'could' have added more sugar to make it more firm, but late at night for a cake I am doing for a 'fun' I decided... its going to work :) Now to eat it!

Pineapples Galore!!!

All has been quiet on the cake front lately, but this week it all begins again!!! Here I have made a yellow, pineapple cake. I used no water, just pineapple juice, then used my food processor to puree the pineapple to add to the mix and the filling. I used a vanilla/almond butter cream and added a few pineapple pieces to the top for fun.
This cake is fresh and fruity just in time for our warm weather that has come out way.
I wanted to dig into it so bad, but I will have to wait for work tomorrow. Happy Birthday to my peers who have birthdays this month!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Smash it!

Here she is (only a week and half late) but my first smash cake. She was white cake with buttercream filling, and lots more buttercream. I learned something about this cake. Take my tools with me to the delivery site  JUST IN CASE. Also, add more powder sugar ;) Pretty sure Stella didn't mind it but my buttercream butterflies didn't handle the weight all that well and had fallen off (2 or the 3) by the time I arrived. I was totally bummed but I know it tasted delicious!