Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sweet 16

I was able to construct this Sweet 16 Birthday cake for a very fun girl Michelle. I enjoyed making this chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate cake with some royal icing roses. :) Happy Birthday Michelle!

Some smaller photos of each tier


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Crepe Cake

Today I made this OH SO YUMMY crepe cake. I have never done crepes before and I was asked to make a french dessert for a church activity. I had no idea what to do so I set out to do some research. I came up with crepes, since they are an iconic french food. I then searched and searched and searched some more for what kind of crepes to make.That was when I thought well I can make a cake (since its kinda my thing). The best part, I found some great recipes for crepe cakes so I set out to do. 

For starters I made the crepe batter the night before as recommended in the recipe, then I began the Pastry Creme the night before as well. Once I had those made I went to bed :)

The next morning, the real fun and work began. I took out my batter and waited for it to get to room temperature then placed it into this squeeze bottle and warmed up my pans and got cooking.
It took me a few crepes to figure out a good system but once I did, I was moving! I used 2 pans, one to get them started by squeezing the batter into it, and then once it had cooked 2 minutes I would lift it out and flip it into the other pan to finish cooking while I started a new one.

 Here you see the crepe in the first pan, when it starts to form bubbles you know its close. They just need to be a light golden brown. The other photo is a finished crepe. Mmmm yummy!

 Next, I started my layers, I start with a crepe, then spread my Pastry Creme over it then set out to making layers, and layers, and more layers.

Here is a picture of the crepe half way stacked, and then when I reached 20!

 I had to add the photo of my little boy enjoying a crepe for the first time. Such a cutie pie!

Here it is, I stacked it, I put it in the refrigerator, and then I sprinkled powdered sugar on top, and drizzled some raspberry sauce. YUMMY!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Chocolate Lava

A few weeks ago, we had some of the young missionaries from out ward over for dinner and I wanted to make something yummy for dessert (well dinner too, but I LOVE dessert). So I set out for chocolate cake of sorts, and stumbled upon a chocolate lava cake. Mmm. So here she is,

 Here you see my chocolate ganache filling in the blue pool that I made a few hours before and had to refrigerate to be able to form into balls. In the mixer is the beginning of the cake, its just eggs, some egg yokes, sugar and vanilla for the moment. I have 6, 4 oz ramekins on the left waiting to be filled with chocolate goodness.
 Here is the cake mix with the melted chocolate and butter mix being folded in, and the little bit of flour.
 They are going in the oven, the cake mix is poured in and the chocolate ganache balls are dropped into the center of each on just before you place in the oven to bake.
 A close up of the cake before cooking.
 Here is the cake after cooking, the cake is a little hard to the touch, but the ganache is hot and runny like lava ;)
Now quick before it cools, I add a scoop of ice cream, some whipping cream, and fresh raspberries (or any topping of your choice really, I've done caramel, jam, mixed berries, more chocolate. 

Then enjoy! Its a deliciously easy cake to prepare, and so yummy. I found the recipe here, at all recipes.  Go try for yourself. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Crepe Cake you say...

Yesterday I was asked if I would make a french dessert for a church function for the following week. First thought, I don't know any french desserts ( I think). Next thought, how hard can it really be???

So I set out to do some research and landing with crepes! I LOVE THESE THINGS, and they go for dinner, breakfast, dessert. You choose, they are pretty much awesome! Then while working out what I wanted to cook and serve and talk about at this function I stumbled upon this picture.

DOESN'T THAT LOOK YUMMY? So I am setting out over the next week to perfect my crepe cake, I'll keep you posted on how it goes.... wish me luck!